For the Economist. Slowing wage convergence between migrants and natives isn't driven by lower skills as much as by native discrimination.
For the Economist. Slowing wage convergence between migrants and natives isn't driven by lower skills as much as by native discrimination.
For the Economist: there are sometimes big divisions in attitudes and consumer behavior, but they aren't growing between races, genders, income groups, religions, regions or urban and rural areas.
Family detention centers are harsh and unnecessary. For the Economist.
Because the old, white, aging (temporary) majority isn't having kids... for the Economist.
A column on the rising number of deaths of despair among older whites for the Economist.
Bemoaning the victory of culture war over class war in US politics. In The Economist.
For The Economist: welfare reform was bad and Trump is doubling down.
A piece for Vox on the barely progressive arguably regressive tax and spending systems of poorer developing countries.
On the grim economic prospects for black males in the US, for The Economist.
A review of Steven Pinker's Enlightenment Now for The Democracy Journal: Its Not as Bad as All That.
And a review of Gregg Easterbrook's It’s Better Than It Looks for The Washington Monthly: Dear Democrats, Don’t Despair.
The party of white people can't accuse Democrats of being all about identity politics. For the Economist.
A piece on what Canada could do to further global gender equality for
...and that makes welfare unpopular. Me in The Economist.
For the Economist. The US opioid epidemic is a public health crisis, not the result of economic decline.
Me in the Economist hoping the women's marches portend a landslide in the midterms.
For the Economist, but also points out Americans still agree on a lot and appear to be happy about the direction their lives are going.
Trump's wall: transparently stupid. For the Economist.
Marginal impact of imprisonment on crime in the US is zero. Me in the Economist.
A summary of the messages in Results Not Receipts in DevEx.
People think they can judge the character of politicians, but they confuse luck for skill. That was a particular problem in 2016. For The Economist.
Troops are worthy of support. The Pentagon, not so much. For the Economist.
Time to revisit the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act. For the Economist.
A review of The Retreat of Western Liberalism by Edward Luce and The Fate of the West: The Battle to Save the World’s Most Successful Political Idea by Bill Emmott, for Democracy: A Journal of Ideas.
Inequality of opportunity is a big deal in America. For the Economist.
Trump's pandering is to a declining and small minority. For The Economist.
Baumol in the US --for the Economist.
Poor countries aren't a lot more corrupt than rich countries. For Quartz.
For US News and World Report --the world is getting more peaceful and collaboration is increasingly important to US and global well-being.
For Irin news, with Tanvi Jaluka.
For Quartz --the world is slowly getting less racist.
American mortality exceptionalism isn't just about old people. For the Economist.
For the Economist. Evidence suggests the policies will increase murder rates.
How to reform the the EB-5 immigrant investor programme. For the Economist.
For the Economist. Old people stand in the way of policies that can deal with the problem of too many old people.
For Quartz: the problem with Liberia is not that it spends too much on government.
For Quartz. The original title, still in the weblink, gave me a panic attack.
If the U.S. wants to get out of the rut of slow growth and a yawning rich-poor gap, we know the policies that will work --for Ozy.
...Or at least that's what I hope. Uses PEPFAR as an example. For the Economist.
For the Economist: don't get up your hopes that Trump will be voted out for being corrupt.
The US should be investing more in nuclear power research --for Ozy.