A piece on Addis, Paris, New York, post-2015 and financing for development for the IMF's Finance and Development.
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A piece on Addis, Paris, New York, post-2015 and financing for development for the IMF's Finance and Development.
Real hope for the eradication of polio, measles, rubella, and maybe malaria. For @BW.
Because there are less of them. For @BW.
A piece with John Norris for Foreign Policy on the history of dams at Inga on the Congo. TLDR: its depressing.
A piece for the UN Chronicle on SDG goal one target one on poverty, pointing out it is unreachable by definition.
There is no doubt that a new set of development goals will be agreed this year but time is fast running out to make sure they matter. For The Guardian.
A CGD Essay previously published as an article on the SDGs and MDGs in Politica Exterior (¿Hemos perdido el rumbo? De los ODM a los ODS).
A working paper with Justin Sandefur, Sarah Dykstra and Amanda Glassman. Since 2001, an aid consortium known as Gavi has accounted for over half of vaccination expenditure in the 75 eligible countries with an initial per capita GNI below $1,000. Regression discontinuity (RD) estimates show aid significantly displaced other immunization efforts and failed to increase vaccination rates for diseases covered by cheap, existing vaccines. For some newer and more expensive vaccines, i.e., Hib and rotavirus, we found large effects on vaccination and limited fungibility, though statistical significance is not robust. These RD estimates apply to middle-income countries near Gavi's eligibility threshold, and cannot rule out differential effects for the poorest countries. There's a policy brief that's an easier read. A revsised version (now with fewer results!) was published in the Journal of Development Economics.
Developing countries are increasingly robust to shocks. For @BW.
The World Bank is facing a bunch of crises --this might be a way out. For @BW.
Anyone who wants to go back to the 50's is old, white, male, hetero and (still) stupid. For @BW.
Misleading title: soaking the rich would help. But the current US tax regime is bad at that. For @BW.
The US response to the AIIB is pathetic. For @BW.
Huntington's thesis isn't doing so well with the test of time. For @BW.
US patent system is terrible. So is China's --time for a deal. For @BW.
Trade should be more of a political hot potato. For @BW.
US vaccination rates are terrible --for @BW.
We need a stronger WHO and more research. For @BW.
More and more people are getting married for love. Yay. For @BW.
Terror kills hardly anyone. Disease kills millions. For @BW.