A Bloomberg Businessweek column on they mythical job creating potential of (very) small business in countries rich and poor alike. It was picked up by WaPo.
Got Cheap Milk? calls for cosmovorism --eating as if the planet mattered. I discussed the piece on the Kojo Nnamdi show. Not popular with the Seattle Times, amongst others (and on reflection some of the language in the middle of the piece was unnecessarily inflamatory). But the CattleNetwork liked it.
That's what the Patrick Swayze fans over at FP titled my column on Arvind Subramanian's new book and reasons to be positive about China's looming economic dominance. It was picked up in a Time blog.
This Optimist column notes Mexico has the biggest rich-poor gap in the world, and that weak governance may be behind it --but recent changes suggest there might be hope for shrinking that gap.