The OECS and Regional Telecommunications Reform, co-authered with Donnie DeFreitas and Robert Schware, was published in info, Vol. 3, No.3. The Impact of Reform on Telecommunications Prices and Services in the Countries of the OECS, co-authored with Robert Schware and Eliud Williams, is forthcoming in the Journal of Information Technology for Development. Five member countries of the Organization of East Caribbean States (OECS) — St Lucia, Dominica, Grenada, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and St Kitts and Nevis — are undergoing a unique experiment in telecommunications liberalization. The reform has two interesting features. First, the reform effort was dramatically enhanced because of a legal ruling in one of the member countries that monopoly telecommunications provision is unconstitutional; and, second, the islands hope that a large part of the functions of a telecommunications regulator will be carried out at the regional rather than the national level. Reforms began to show results when the current monopoly service provider slashing the prices of international calls. Prices have fallen considerably further after the introduction of a regulated price cap.